"Sustainable Communication for Local to Global"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

GARI Conference

"Making Practitioners for Tommorow"

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Call for Paper

The International Conference on Journalism (ICJ 2016)
06th – 07th October 2016 @ Galle Face Hotel, Colombo, Sri Lanka

Conference Theme:  “Sustainable Communication for local to global”

Call for papers
Journalism has become a wide in discussing topic in present context. Journalism plays a vital role in communicating news, things happen in day to day life and other information for the readers. The term covers any field concerned with normative determinations of what ought to be and deduction of characteristics and functions of the ideal operation state. International Conference on Journalism 2016 will provide a great platform for all academics, leading researchers, professionals, journalists, reporters and those who interested in this topic to share knowledge and their achievements. All academic practitioners around the world are encouraged to submit their research abstracts, papers and posters based on the following conference tracks. All accepted abstracts will be published in conference proceedings. Full text papers are welcome for journal publication. Based on peer review selections, selected full papers will be published in online and reputable journals. We warmly welcome academic practitioners, researchers, professionals, scholars, and scientists to the ICJ 2016 to present research articles.

Conference Tracks

·         Types of Journalism
·         Sustainable development and communication
·         Professionalism and ethics in journalism
·         Social issues and politics in journalism
·         Marketing, advertising and social impact in journalism
·         Law, ethics, politicians in journalism and communication
·         Gender bias in communication

Note - Topics will not be limited to above conference tracks.

Key note and Co-chair:

Professor Ajantha Hapuarachchi
Senior Lecturer
Journalism unit
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Prof. Vinod Pavarala
UNESCO Chair on Community Media
Department of Communication, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts and Communication
University of Hyderabad
Hyderabad- A.P.500046

Dr. S.K.M.D. Dharshani Gunathillake
Senior Lecturer
Department of Sinhala, 
University of Peradeniya, 
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

Director General
Department of Government Information, Sri Lanka.

Important Dates
*      Abstract Submission Deadline                : August 30th 2016
*      Payment Deadline                                    : September 11th 2016
*      Full paper submission deadline              : September 26th  2016

Publication and Process

Publication of full paper submitted following the conference requires the prospective authors to visit the website listing conferences of interest for detail information. All full paper submissions will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and /or research content / depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. Conference Publications collate all materials that are published relating to the conference. The materials include conference's final program and conference proceedings. To include Full papers in proceeding book authors must follow full paper submission guidelines. Conference Full papers include DVD WITHOUT doing review process, but after the conference all the full papers are peer reviewed by Journal Editorial Board. In accordance with Editorial Board recommendations, peer reviewed papers will be published.  Papers that need corrections will be sent to authors for revision, after which the corrected papers will be published in Journals. The journals include:

*      International Journal of social science and humanities (Online: ISSN 2424-6492)(Print:ISSN 2424-6484)
*      The Magazine “The Research Executive” – ISSN 2424 – 659x (Online), ISSN 2424 – 6581(Print)
*      Conference web site – Research library page
*      Proceeding Book

Registration fees
                                              Foreign                                       Local
Delegates Early Birds             $260                                       LKR 15000
Delegate                                  $290                                       LKR 20000
Virtual Delegate                      $190                                       LKR 12000
Student                                    $190                                       LKR 15000
