"Sustainable Communication for Local to Global"

Prof. Ajantha Hapuarachchi

Key Note Speaker

Multi-talented Prof. Ajantha Hapuarachchi is a Senior Lecturer, Editor, Senior Journalist and Marking Examiner in Sri Lanka. After completing her secondary education she entered the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka for Higher Education. In 1977 she was passed out as a BA (Honour) in Mass Communication with a 2nd class upper division. In 1990 she completed M.A. in Mass Communication and in 2001 PhD in Mass Communication in University of Kelaniya. After that she completed Post-Doctoral qualification in communication Discipline, and she was granted with post graduate fellowship in Hyderabad Central University, India in 2007. 

One third of her life was spent on spreading her knowledge to her students and the overall society. Since 1991 she was acting as a Visiting Lecturer of University of Kelaniya and University of Colombo. After that she became a Lecturer in University of Colombo in 1998. As per today she plays the role of Senior Lecturer as well as coordinator of Journalism Unit, University of Colombo Sri Lanka. In 2006 she was honoured as one of the Best Journalism Teachers in Sri Lanka by the Mass Communicator’s Association. 

She is an expert in both theoretical knowledge as well as practical knowledge in this field. She was a Free-lance Journalist in Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Ltd (ANCL), Navayugaya and Dinamina. In 1984 she became a Senior Journalist in periodicals like “Mihira” (Children), “Tharunee” (Women), “Yovun Janatha” (Youth), “Sarasaviya” (Cinema) and CNB (Central News Bureau). In 1995 she became the Deputy Features Editor in Dinamina. 

She has a vast knowledge in the field of Journalism and Mass Communication because she has participated in many International conferences like AMIC 19th International conference in Singapore, International Seminar on BRICS and a New Information Structure in India, Deustchwelly World Media Conference in Germany and more others. 

Prof. Ajantha is one of the good scholars in Sri Lanka. She has written 13 books related to Communication and Journalism, recent one is “Sustainable Development and Communication”. She has invented a new communication model called “Communication model of Epistemology” which is published in "Media Asia" international magazine. This is the only model which was from an Eastern country to the west. She is the only PhD and the female Professor in Sri Lanka and it is a record. She is a Jury member of Raigam Tele Awards, SIGNIS award and Janadhipathi film jury several years. And also she is an Adviser of the syllabus of Media and Communication for O/L and A/L in National Institute of Education Sri lanka (NIE). 

Some of her Internal Publications. 

  • AMIC (P) No: 173/03/2014 VOLUME 41 NUMBER 2. 2014 ISSN 0129–6612 “Communication Model of Epistemology” 
  • Deustchwelly 2014 .6.29-2014.7.3.Germany, World Media Conference “From Information to participation: Challenges for the Media”
  • Growing Ineffectiveness of Traditional Forms of ... - SSRN ssrn.com/abstract=1662139 by A Hapuarachchi - 2010 - Related articles 
  • Aug 22, 2010 - Ajantha Hapuarachchi. Journalism Unit, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, Vol. 1, No. 

For in Detailed CV http://www.cmb.ac.lk/academic/arts/journalism/personal/prof%20hapuarachchi.html


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